did i fall into a big black hole???? Naw'
i'm taking care of me right now and really living it up.
what am i doing right now (listed in no organizational order)?
1) working
2) learning about grant writing
3) learning about writing and journalism period.
4) reading a book on the history of jazz,the bible, the koran, modern relationship myths, and alexandria (in egypt)
note: don't you dare flame me on the order in which i listed my books. there is no order. i'm reading 5 books simultaneoulsy. werd.
5) djing (don't you dare ever think i'll even consider stopping that. it's a part of who i am
6) sleeping
7) of course i'm writing. well, duh. i want to be published next year.
8) photography. always. i'll be pushing out a bunch of photos tonight.
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