there's someone i know who comes over to ask me questions and then constantly interrupts my answers. yesterday he interrupted, threw in, "i know, i know, it's ______.... but i'm not doing that."
but once again, he got it wrong.
i informed him that he should stop interrupting me every 5 seconds and that every time he interrupted me to complete my sentences... he got it wrong.... 100% of the time.
after he left... someone within ear shot asked me if it was only men who did that or was it women, too???
i have thought about it long & hard. thursday nights (last night) i drive (drove) 45 minutes down to the peninsula so it gives me some time to think....
and here's my thoughts:
many pack animals have signs of submission & signs of dominance.
baby horses open and close their mouths repeatedly. when you see it... it's the cutest thing. they tend to do it until they are about 3 or 4.... sometimes 5. it's a... "please, please... i'm a baby... don't hurt me. i submit."
with dogs... they lie down. sometimes they completely roll over. if the other dog is in serious alpha mode... it will put said other dog's neck in it's mouth.
alpha dog doesn't bite down on the submitting dog's neck. that's not the point. the point is that the alpha dog *could* bite down. it's complete dominance.
it's my idea that the act of interrupting someone and attempting to complete their sentences like that... it's an alpha-dominance trait. it's also an act of complete arrogance and presumption.
and i can only think of two women who have ever done this to me. one does it when she's loaded. frankly, i really can't stand it when she does that. i take it as a sign she's wasted beyond the point of good company and avoid her.
and as far as the only other woman that does that to me.... i'm not speaking to her anymore. and she's a relative. that's one of her many myriad social issues. she doesn't get on with anyone by the way... and constantly points to every one else as having problems (not her of course).
i don't wish to dominate or to be dominated. i want to just be.
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