so i have now entered the digital age as far as DJing goes... granted... i don't actually *own* a CDJ machine so i'll be purchasing all new tracks on vinyl. however, i have now/am now starting to play CDJs out.
digital format is going to be handy for older plates i think... plates that i don't necessary want to lug to the club/party but plates that i want to have around just in case...
so i'm up now downloading, backing up, and moving stuff around. i promptly ran out of space on my backup harddrive so i will be buying two more external drives this weekend.
and i'm finally, finally, finally dealing with the mound of records that has almost entirely taken over my kitchen. SIGH. this solution involves a trip to berkeley to my favourite store for vinyl storage solutions.
it's amazing all the space that's required to keep up with being a DJ. even with the whole download thing going the amount of drives/space required is just growing by the minute.
if you don't hear from me for a few days... why don't you give a call to my mobile... chances are i got lost with all my music in the studio. seriously. it's like that.
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