Tonight I will be DJing out of a spaceship for the folks at Motor City Jam. No really.
IF you live in Oaktown and didn't go to Miami, text me if you want to come check it out. It's a good time.
The borg has nothing on these folks. They are 10 times cooler than those uptight stick-in-the-mud stressed out borg folks
There will be a web cam. I fully intend to dance around and make a fool out of myself... webcam or no. Why? That's what I do.
What: Zenith at Motor City Jam
When: 10 PM - midnight (Pacific Daylight Time)/24 March 2010
1 - 3 AM (Miami | DC | NYC)
6 - 8 AM (Berlin | Amsterdam | Paris)
-- OR ---
Motor City Jam residents are : OroToro, BoomBot and Oddnumber (MCJ, pH 14)
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