Monday, September 03, 2007

busy, busy times

i cut out on the sunset party last night a little early-ish. i felt bad doing it but i have so much to do these days!

don't feel too sorry for me having a productive sunday... i really love what i am doing!

what the h*L! am i doing you ask???!!

well, lesseee... i have a ton of german homework today. and i have some computer-studies to do... i'm teaching myself some new technology.

but don't feel too sorry for me just yet... the last couple of days i have studied in a bikini. in two different beaches. i achieved nice glow status yesterday! the weather report says the sun will come out later. wish me luck!

i'm moving my website to a new provider. we will say buh-bye (& don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out) to 1 hour download times for CDs!!! yeah. we're almost done on this one.

record shopping. today i'm giving my favourite UK online record store some serious bizness. Juno... I luv yah! Mwah!

Updating my website. I'm overhauling the computer script that generates the picture pages and adding pictures.

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